The Comey Rule

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The Comey Rule


Titre anglais : The Comey Rule
Réalisé par : Billy Ray
Date de sortie : 27 septembre 2020
Durée : 120 minutes
Genre : Drame
Pays : US (2020)


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An immersive, behind-the-headlines account of the historically turbulent events surrounding the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath, which divided a nation. This two-part biopic tells the story of two powerful figures, Comey and Trump, whose strikingly different personalities, ethics and loyalties put them on a collision course.

 1 Saisons

Miniseries (2020)

6 épisodes  | Diffusion : 27/09/2020 An immersive, behind-the-headlines account of the historically turbulent events surrounding the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath, which divided a nation. This two-part biopic tells the story of two powerful figures, Comey and Trump, whose strikingly different personalities, ethics and loyalties put them on a collision course. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1 (6 épisodes)
Night One
épisodes 1 : Night One
James Comey interviews with President Obama and gets the job of a lifetime, Director of the FBI. But two years into his tenure, the Bureau is plunged into two hugely controversial cases: "Midyear Exam," the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails while serving as Secretary of State, and "Crossfire Hurricane," an investigation into Russia's ongoing attempts to derail the Presidential Election of 2016. Comey's decisions on those two cases will alter both his place in history and history itself.
Night Two
épisodes 2 : Night Two
James Comey awakens on November 9, 2016, now known nationally as "the man who got Donald Trump elected." With that hanging over him, he now must try to find a way to work with the new President. That grows complicated when it becomes clear that Trump wants to use Comey, the Bureau, and the Department of Justice for his own political aims - forcing these two men on a collision course whose result is as inevitable as it is tragic. Series Finale.
Episode 3
épisodes 3
Episode 3
épisodes 3
Episode 4
épisodes 4
Episode 4
épisodes 4


Jeff Daniels

James Comey
Brendan Gleeson

Donald Trump
Holly Hunter

Sally Yates
Michael Kelly

Andrew McCabe
Jennifer Ehle

Patrice Comey
Scoot McNairy

Rod Rosenstein
Amy Seimetz

Trisha Anderson
Peter Coyote

Robert Mueller
Isabella Pisacane

Claire Comey


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