Family, Comedy, Animation (modern)Directed by:Kyla Balda & Pierre CoffinWith:Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael KeatonThe story of Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment's Minions begins at the dawn of time. Starting as single-celled yellow organisms, Minions evolve through the ages, perpetually serving the most despicable of masters. Continuously unsuccessful at keeping these masters—from T. rex to... Read more...
Science FictionDirected by:Ari FolmanWith:Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Jon Hamm,...Robin Wright (as Robin Wright) receives an offer from Miramount to be scanned. In this way, her alias can be freely exploited in all films the Hollywood major decides to produce, even the most downmarket ones, the ones she has turned down until now. For 20 years she disappears to return as guest of... Read more...
ComedyDirected by:Jennifer WestfeldtWith:Jennifer Westfeldt, Adam Scott, Jon Hamm,...A daring and poignant ensemble comedy about a close-knit circle of friends at that moment in life when children arrive and everything changes. The last two singles in the group - Westfeldt and Adam Scott (Parks and Recreation, STEPBROTHERS), observe the effect that kids have had on their friends'... Read more...
DramaDirected by:Rob Epstein & Jeffrey FriedmanWith:James Franco, Jon Hamm, Jeff Daniels'Howl' is the story of how the young poet's seminal work broke down societal barriers in the face of an infamous public obscenity trial. In his famously confessional style, Ginsberg--poet, counter-culture icon, and chronicler of the Beat Generation--recounts the road trips, love affairs, and search... Read more...
Crime, Thriller, Drama, RomanticDirected by:Ben AffleckWith:Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, Jon HammDoug MacRay (Ben Affleck) is an unrepentant criminal, the de facto leader of a group of ruthless bank robbers who pride themselves in stealing what they want and getting out clean. With no real attachments, Doug never has to fear losing anyone close to him. But that all changed on the gang's latest... Read more...