
Engelse titel : The Stand
Geregisseerd door : Josh Boone & Benjamin Cavell
In de zalen vanaf: 17 december 2020
Speelduur: 60 minuten
Genre: Science-Fiction
Land : US (2020)


Bekijk The Stand via video on demand/streaming.


In a world mostly wiped out by the plague and embroiled in an elemental struggle between good and evil, the fate of mankind rests on the frail shoulders of the 108-year-old Mother Abagail and a handful of survivors. Their worst nightmares are embodied in a man with a lethal smile and unspeakable powers: Randall Flagg, the Dark Man.

 1 Seizoenen

Season 1 (2020)

17 afleveringen  | Uitzendingen : 17/12/2020 In a world mostly wiped out by the plague and embroiled in an elemental struggle between good and evil, the fate of mankind rests on the frail shoulders of the 108-year-old Mother Abagail and a handful of survivors. Their worst nightmares are embodied in a man with a lethal smile and unspeakable powers: Randall Flagg, the Dark Man. Alle afleveringen weergeven 1
Alle afleveringen weergeven 1 (17 afleveringen)
afleveringen 1
afleveringen 2 : Pocket Savior
afleveringen 2 : Pocket Savior
afleveringen 3
afleveringen 4 : The House of the Dead
The Boulder Free Zone Committee looks to solidify their leadership and bolster the community with a town hall meeting, but Flagg continues to make inroads as he plots to destroy the newly-forming society from within.
afleveringen 5 : Suspicious Minds
afleveringen 6
afleveringen 7
afleveringen 7 : The Walk
afleveringen 7 : The Walk
afleveringen 8 : The Stand
afleveringen 8
afleveringen 8
afleveringen 9
afleveringen 9
afleveringen 9 : Coda: Frannie in the Well
afleveringen 10 : An Apocalyptic Epic: Adapting The Stand
Special feature detailing the transformation of the novel into an epic re-imagining featuring an all-star cast.


Alexander Skarsgård

Randall Flagg
Alexander Skarsgård

Randall Flagg
Amber Heard

Nadine Cross
Odessa Young

Frannie Goldsmith
Whoopi Goldberg

Abagail "Mother Abagail" Freemantle
James Marsden

Stu Redman
Owen Teague

Harold Lauder
Henry Zaga

Nick Andros
Jovan Adepo

Larry Underwood
Eion Bailey

Teddy Weizak
Katherine McNamara

Julie Lawry
Jovan Adepo

Larry Underwood
Jovan Adepo

Larry Underwood
Nat Wolff

Lloyd Henreid
Irene Bedard

Ray Brentner
Greg Kinnear

Glen Bateman


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