
Engelse titel : The Crossing
Geregisseerd door : Dan Dworkin & Jay Beattie
In de zalen vanaf: 4 februari 2018
Speelduur: 44 minuten
Genre: Science-Fiction
Land : US (2018)


Bekijk The Crossing via video on demand/streaming.


Refugees from a war-torn country start showing up to seek asylum in an American town. Only the country these people are from is America and the war they are fleeing is 250 years in the future. The local sheriff with a past, a federal agent and a mother in search of her missing refugee daughter drive this allegory with a surprising conspiracy at the center.

 1 Seizoenen

Season 1 (2018)

11 afleveringen  | Uitzendingen : 04/02/2018 Refugees from a war-torn country start showing up to seek asylum in an American town. Only the country these people are from is America and the war they are fleeing is 250 years in the future. The local sheriff with a past, a federal agent and a mother in search of her missing refugee daughter drive this allegory with a surprising conspiracy at the center. Alle afleveringen weergeven 1
Alle afleveringen weergeven 1 (11 afleveringen)
afleveringen 1 : Pilot
A Shadow Out of Time
afleveringen 2 : A Shadow Out of Time
Pax Americana
afleveringen 3 : Pax Americana
The Face of Oblivion
afleveringen 4 : The Face of Oblivion
Ten Years Gone
afleveringen 5 : Ten Years Gone
afleveringen 6 : LKA
Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream
afleveringen 7 : Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream
The Long Morrow
afleveringen 8 : The Long Morrow
Hope Smiles from the Threshold
afleveringen 9 : Hope Smiles from the Threshold
The Androcles Option
afleveringen 10 : The Androcles Option
These are the Names
afleveringen 11 : These are the Names


Steve Zahn

Jude Ellis
Sandrine Holt

Emma Ren
Georgina Haig

Dr. Sophie Forbin
Tommy Bastow

Rick Gomez

Nestor Rosario
Grant Harvey

Roy Aronson
Jay Karnes

Craig Lindauer
Luc Roderique

Bryce Foster


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