
Directed by : Norbert ter Hall
Release date: 4 September 2013
Duration: 100 minutes
Genre: Romantic comedy
Country : Netherlands (2012)
Original language: Dutch


Every month a strange ritual takes place in Brussels. The European Parliament moves to its Strasbourg seat in 15 enormous trucks. A week later everything is moved back again. The romantic comedy &ME takes place against the backdrop of this desperate attempt to maintain European idealism. &ME tells the story of 24-year old law student Edurne who moves from Sitges to Brussels. On her first day at the European Parliament she collides violently with 40-year old German Eduard Schiller. Unlucky in love, homosexual Eduard has arrived in Brussels from Berlin to start a new life. Looking for happiness, he has decided to take a new path and look for a woman. Edurne and Eduard see the collision as the sign of a special relationship. L'amour c'est bizarre. Everything changes when they meet handsome 30-year old EC removal man Richard. A battle for Richard's love develops between Eduard and Edurne. The confrontation with the truth gives the threesome very different answers to the same question: how...


& Me .




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