
Directed by : Renzo Martens
Release date: 13 May 2009
Duration: 90 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Country : Netherlands, Belgium (2008)
Original language: English


Episode III - 'Enjoy Poverty' investigates the emotional and economic value of Africa's most lucrative export: filmed poverty. As with more traditional African exports such as cocoa and gold, the suppliers of this new African commodity hardly benefit from it at all. Deep in the interiors of the Congolese inland, Dutch artist Renzo Martens launches an emancipatory programme that helps the poor become aware of their primary capital resource: poverty. Over several years, Martens singlehandedly undertakes an epic journey. Combining investigative journalism, satire and self-awareness in a deeply singular view, Episode III - 'Enjoy Poverty' is ingeniously provocative, ironic and often hilarious, despite the sad reflection staring back in the mirror that he holds up.


Episode 3, Enjoy Poverty .





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