
Engelse titel : Raised by Wolves
Geregisseerd door : Aaron Guzikowski
In de zalen vanaf: 9 maart 2020
Speelduur: 60 minuten
Genre: Science-Fiction
Land : US (2020)


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Twee androids hebben de missie gekregen om ergens op een planeet diep in het sterrenstelsel menselijke kinderen op te voeden. Wanneer de menselijke kolonie dreigt te worden vernietigd door religieuze meningsverschillen, komen de androids erachter dat werken in opdracht van mensen een onderschatte en uiterst ingewikkeld taak is.

 2 Seizoenen

Season 2

Twee androids hebben de missie gekregen om ergens op een planeet diep in het sterrenstelsel menselijke kinderen op te voeden. Wanneer de menselijke kolonie dreigt te worden vernietigd door religieuze meningsverschillen, komen de androids erachter dat werken in opdracht van mensen een onderschatte en uiterst ingewikkeld taak is. Alle afleveringen weergeven 2

Season 1 (2020)

10 afleveringen  | Uitzendingen : 09/03/2020 Twee androids hebben de missie gekregen om ergens op een planeet diep in het sterrenstelsel menselijke kinderen op te voeden. Wanneer de menselijke kolonie dreigt te worden vernietigd door religieuze meningsverschillen, komen de androids erachter dat werken in opdracht van mensen een onderschatte en uiterst ingewikkeld taak is. Alle afleveringen weergeven 1
Alle afleveringen weergeven 1 (10 afleveringen)
Raised by Wolves
afleveringen 1 : Raised by Wolves
After Earth is rendered uninhabitable, Androids Mother and Father start a new settlement and family with human embryos on the planet Kepler-22b. Twelve years later, only one child, Campion, remains, and the arrival of an Ark of surviving humans called the Mithraic presents a threat that Mother has no choice but to confront.
afleveringen 2 : Pentagram
After a confrontation with Marcus, Mother discovers and takes five Mithraic children (Hunter, Tempest, Paul, Holly and Vita) back to her settlement. While Mother, Father and Campion, adjust to living with a new group of Earth-born children, Marcus struggles to survive alone on Kepler-22b.
Virtual Faith
afleveringen 3 : Virtual Faith
After the Mithraic kids fall sick, Campion believes Mother is poisoning them and plans an escape. As Mother and Father attempt to prove otherwise, Marcus and Sue work to convince the other surviving Mithraic to mount a rescue of the children, desperate to get their son Paul back.
Nature's Course
afleveringen 4 : Nature's Course
Father tries to teach the children how to hunt some of Kepler-22b’s mysterious creatures for food. Meanwhile, the Mithraic make a stunning discovery that potentially fulfills a Mithraic prophecy, and a debate about how to proceed ignites a conflict between Marcus and the Mithraic leader, Ambrose.
Infected Memory
afleveringen 5 : Infected Memory
Marcus moves forward with a plan to rescue the Mithraic children, but first he has to find them. Back at the settlement, Campion and Paul bond while on a hunting expedition with Father, and Mother attempts to learn more about her origins.
Lost Paradise
afleveringen 6 : Lost Paradise
After rekindling her connection to her creator, Mother finds herself distracted by intense feelings she didn’t know she was capable of having, unaware that Marcus, Sue and the Mithraic are closing in on the settlement.
afleveringen 7 : Faces
Marcus’s decisions stress his relationship to his family as he struggles to maintain his clout as leader of the Mithraic. Mother is able to see Marcus for who he truly is, which threatens his power and puts Mother in a precarious situation she might not recover from. Meanwhile, Campion is faced with a choice that could result in dire consequences.
afleveringen 8 : Mass
As Marcus continues to embrace his Mithraic devotion, Sue worries he may no longer have her and Paul’s best interests at heart. Meanwhile, Mother experiences what she believes to be malfunctions, and Hunter works on a secret project with Father.
afleveringen 9 : Umbilical
Sue is determined to keep the children safe, and in doing so, struggles with whether or not she can trust Mother. Meanwhile, a new threat arises and an increasingly erratic Marcus causes the Mithraic to question their leader.
The Beginning
afleveringen 10 : The Beginning


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