
Engelse titel : Peacemaker
Geregisseerd door : James Gunn
In de zalen vanaf: 13 januari 2022
Speelduur: 46 minuten
Genre: Science-Fiction
Land : US (2022)


Bekijk Peacemaker via video on demand/streaming.


The continuing story of Peacemaker – a compellingly vainglorious man who believes in peace at any cost, no matter how many people he has to kill to get it – in the aftermath of the events of “The Suicide Squad.”

 2 Seizoenen

Season 2

The continuing story of Peacemaker – a compellingly vainglorious man who believes in peace at any cost, no matter how many people he has to kill to get it – in the aftermath of the events of “The Suicide Squad.” Alle afleveringen weergeven 2

Season 1 (2022)

8 afleveringen  | Uitzendingen : 13/01/2022 The continuing story of Peacemaker – a compellingly vainglorious man who believes in peace at any cost, no matter how many people he has to kill to get it – in the aftermath of the events of “The Suicide Squad.” Alle afleveringen weergeven 1
Alle afleveringen weergeven 1 (8 afleveringen)
afleveringen 1 : A Whole New Whirled
afleveringen 2 : Best Friends, for Never
afleveringen 3 : Better Goff Dead
afleveringen 4 : The Choad Less Traveled
afleveringen 5 : Monkey Dory
afleveringen 6
afleveringen 7
afleveringen 8


John Cena

Christopher Smith / Peacemaker
Steve Agee

John Economos
Danielle Brooks

Leota Adebayo
Robert Patrick

Auggie Smith
Jennifer Holland

Emilia Harcourt
Chukwudi Iwuji

Clemson Murn
Freddie Stroma

Adrian Chase / The Vigilante
Lochlyn Munro

Larry Fitzgibbon
Annie Chang

Sophie Song
Mark Strong

Mitchell Mayo / Condiment King


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