Welcome to Sweden

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Welcome to Sweden
Season 2 Season 1


Titre anglais : Welcome to Sweden
Réalisé par : Greg Poehler
Date de sortie : 21 mars 2014
Durée : 30 minutes
Genre : Comédie
Pays : SE (2014)


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The fish-out-of-water story of New York accountant Bruce, who falls in love with a Swedish girl named Emma and follows her to Sweden.

 2 Saisons

Season 2 (2015)

10 épisodes  | Diffusion : 04/01/2015 The fish-out-of-water story of New York accountant Bruce, who falls in love with a Swedish girl named Emma and follows her to Sweden. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2 (10 épisodes)
Flash Mob/Frieriet
épisodes 1 : Flash Mob/Frieriet
Bruce is planning to propose to Emma but after a conversation with Viveka and Birger he becomes unsure of her attitude toward marriage. Emma becomes a celebrity when an unfortunate picture of her begins to spread on the internet. Viveka and Birger think it's time for Gustav to leave home.
Searching for Bergman/Ljuden
épisodes 2 : Searching for Bergman/Ljuden
After being dubbed "the guy" to show American celebrities around Stockholm, Bruce must impress Jason Priestley or risk losing his newfound status.
épisodes 3 : Scrapbook/Skidresa
The whole Wiik family is going on their traditional ski excursion and Bruce overestimates their ability as skiers. Birger has trouble accepting that times have changed.
Parental Guidance/Svartsjuk
épisodes 4 : Parental Guidance/Svartsjuk
Bruce's parents visit Sweden and cause a stir when they offer to pay for the wedding if Bruce and Emma get married in the U.S.
American Club/Jag Alskar Dig
épisodes 5 : American Club/Jag Alskar Dig
Bruce becomes friends with an American personal trainer named Chuck, who also moved to Sweden for a woman; Gustaf tries to master the art of getting things for free.
Swedish Bachelor Party/Svensexa
épisodes 6 : Swedish Bachelor Party/Svensexa
Bruce meets up with actor Jack Black to show him around the city, but things take a turn when masked men abduct Bruce; Diane (Neve Campbell) plans a surprise bachelorette party for Emma.
Hitting the Wall/Mr. Bajskorv
épisodes 7 : Hitting the Wall/Mr. Bajskorv
Bruce has a hard time overcoming the language barrier when he's tasked with coaching a local kids' basketball team.
Drug Deal/Sjukskriven
épisodes 8 : Drug Deal/Sjukskriven
Bruce and Gustaf try to find marijuana for Amy Poehler, who's in town for a speaking engagement.
Little Brucie/Fästman
épisodes 9 : Little Brucie/Fästman
Bruce and Emma bicker over the details of their wedding, leading them to question their compatibility.
Sexy Dancing/Bröllopet
épisodes 10 : Sexy Dancing/Bröllopet
Emma has everyone dance down the aisle at her and Bruce's wedding but takes her part a little too far.

Season 1 (2014)

10 épisodes  | Diffusion : 21/03/2014 The fish-out-of-water story of New York accountant Bruce, who falls in love with a Swedish girl named Emma and follows her to Sweden. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1 (10 épisodes)
Day One/Välkommen
épisodes 1 : Day One/Välkommen
Evans resigns from his job to move to Sweden with the love of her life. But during his first day in their new home country he faces new habits, environments, and especially his girlfriend's strange family.
Learn the Language/Språket
épisodes 2 : Learn the Language/Språket
Bruce and Emma are trying to adapt to their new lives in Sweden, and Bruce tries to learn to speak Swedish. He also meets one of his previous clients, and finds an unexpected friend.
Proving Love/Lägenhet
épisodes 3 : Proving Love/Lägenhet
Bruce and Emma finally move into Emma's flat in Stockholm and Bruce must get used to the Swedish cultural differences. The couple do not get the reaction they expected from Swedish Immigration officials when applying for Bruce's residency. Meanwhile, Bruce's belongings arrive from the States, causing more tension in their relationship.
Get a Job/Farthinder
épisodes 4 : Get a Job/Farthinder
Bruce is trying to start from scratch and applying for jobs. Meanwhile, his former client Gene Simmons found out that he lives in Stockholm.
Fitting In/Vänner
épisodes 5 : Fitting In/Vänner
Bruce tries to make new friends in Sweden but it is not so good. While hanging friendship with his Iraqi friend on a thread. Bruce also tries to get Emma's mother Viveka on his side by spending some time with her.
épisodes 6 : Parents!/Föräldrar
Bruce's parents come to visit and it becomes a real culture shock for them. Emma tells Bruce that she is pregnant.
épisodes 7 : Homesick/Lagom
Bruce and Emma faced a major decision while Bruce gets an offer to return to the United States by Amy Poehler. Aubrey Plaza visiting Sweden and continues to haunt Bruce in an attempt to get him to return to America. Bruce takes on some Swedish celebrities as clients.
épisodes 8 : Breakups/Förhållanden
A family emergency situation puts a spoke in the wheel of Bruce and Emma’s plans to move back to the United States.
Separate Lives/Saknad
épisodes 9 : Separate Lives/Saknad
With an ocean between them, Emma and Bruce struggle to continue their lives without each other.
épisodes 10 : Home/Återförening
Bruce ends up in a compromising situation with Aubrey Plaza. Emma and her brother Gustav try to reunite their parents. While Bruce encounter problems when he should return to Sweden



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