
Titre anglais : The Other Two
Réalisé par : Chris Kelly & Sarah Schneider
Date de sortie : 24 janvier 2019
Durée : 20 minutes
Genre : Comédie
Pays : US (2019)


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Un aspirant acteur et sa soeur Brooke, ancienne danseuse pro, tentent de trouver leurs places, alors que leur frère de 13 ans devient soudainement une star d’internet.

 3 Saisons

Season 3 (2023)

10 épisodes  | Diffusion : 05/04/2023 After comparing themselves for years to their much-younger pop star brother, ChaseDreams, who is now a full adult, and their talk-show host mother, who's now more powerful than she could have ever imagined, Brooke and Cary are finally standing on their own two feet — fully "successful" in their own right! And yet, they somehow find themselves comparing themselves to new people once again??? Afficher les épisodes de la saison 3
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 3 (10 épisodes)
Cary Watches People Watch His Movie
épisodes 1 : Cary Watches People Watch His Movie
After three years of COVID delays, Cary’s movie Night Nurse finally premieres – but will he be able to watch his loved ones’ reactions in real time? Meanwhile, Brooke feels like the only person who hasn’t left the industry.
Brooke Drives an Armpit Across America
épisodes 2 : Brooke Drives an Armpit Across America
While Cary leverages his D-list celebrity status to help pay rent, Brooke scrambles to enjoy the perks of being a manager at a splashy Vogue party.
Cary Becomes Somewhat of a Name
épisodes 3 : Cary Becomes Somewhat of a Name
Cary learns the “benefits” of self-tapes, and the drawbacks of not being “a name.” After leaving her job, Brooke faces the cruel reality of a life as a regular person. Pat goes to extreme lengths to spend time with her family.
Brooke Gets Her Hands Dirty
épisodes 4 : Brooke Gets Her Hands Dirty
As Cary attempts to leave his mark on the set of Emily Overruled, Brooke discovers that her new persona isn’t easy to pull off, and Pat’s disguise works a little too well.
Cary & Brooke Go to an AIDS Play
épisodes 5 : Cary & Brooke Go to an AIDS Play
A frustrated Cary tries to take control of his relationship by making inroads with Lucas’s representation at the opening of his Broadway show. Chase also uses the opening to debut his latest partner.
Brooke, and We Are Not Joking, Goes to Space
épisodes 6 : Brooke, and We Are Not Joking, Goes to Space
Brooke and Pat set out to date someone on their level with mixed results while Cary is cast to voice a major studio’s first openly queer character.
Cary Gets His Ass Handed to Him
épisodes 7 : Cary Gets His Ass Handed to Him
Brooke, Shuli, and Streeter strategize “new beginnings” for Chase and Pam. Pat’s lowkey birthday request proves anything but. Cary obsesses over the release of Curtis’s new series while trying to salvage his own.
Brooke Hosts a Night of Undeniable Good
épisodes 8 : Brooke Hosts a Night of Undeniable Good
After making Chase a bad boy backfires spectacularly, Brooke’s course-correct reminds her that doing good is really hard. Meanwhile, Cary attempts to “win” his reunion, and Pat heads to Ohio to reconnect with her former self.
Episode 9
épisodes 9
Episode 10
épisodes 10

Season 2 (2021)

13 épisodes  | Diffusion : 26/08/2021 With their pop star brother, ChaseDreams, officially entering retirement at the ripe old age of fourteen, Brooke and Cary must now contend with a new famous family member: their 53-year-old mother Pat, and her eponymous daytime talk show. Humiliated at being The Other Two yet again, they double down and make it their mission not to be. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2 (13 épisodes)
épisodes 1
épisodes 2
épisodes 3
épisodes 4
épisodes 5 : Chase Gets Baptized
Chase's baptism into a celebrity church – a beautiful rite of passage for any famous young boy – finds Brooke and Cary struggling to also reap the benefits of this blessed new world. Meanwhile, Streeter does whatever it takes to remind his "kids" that he's the only "Father" they should be concerned with.
épisodes 6 : Pat Becomes #1 In Daytime
In a desperate attempt to land a legit new agent, Cary tries to rebrand himself as an actor-slash-writer. Meanwhile, Brooke, at long last, lands something of her own – and in doing so, connects with someone from her past.
épisodes 7 : Chase Becomes Co-Owner of the Nets
Cary’s day spent researching for his first-ever movie role ends in melodrama, and a women’s panel finds Brooke in way over her head.
épisodes 7 : Chase Becomes Co-Owner of the Nets
épisodes 8 : Pat Gets an Offer to Host "Tic Tac Toe"
Cary starts dating an A-list actor who “doesn’t comment on his sexuality,” while Brooke struggles to uphold the contractual obligations of her own celebrity tryst.
épisodes 8 : Pat Gets an Offer to Host "Tic Tac Toe"
épisodes 9 : Pat and Chase Are Killing It
épisodes 9 : Pat and Chase Are Killing It
épisodes 10 : Brooke and Cary Go to a Fashion Show



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