
Titre anglais : Strike
Réalisé par : J.K. Rowling ,Ben Richards ,Tom Edge
Date de sortie : 27 août 2017
Durée : 60 minutes
Genre : Thriller
Pays : GB (2017)


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Le détective privé Cormoran Strike est engagé pour enquêter sur le suicide d'une top-model de l'outre, qui pourrait s'avérer être un meurtre.

 6 Saisons

Troubled Blood (2022)

4 épisodes  | Diffusion : 12/11/2022 Private detective Cormoran Strike is visiting his family in Cornwall when he’s approached by a woman, Anna Phipps asking for help finding her mother, Margot Bamborough, who went missing under mysterious circumstances in 1974. Never tackling a cold case before, he’s intrigued and takes it on, adding to the long list of cases that he and his partner are currently working on. As Strike and Robin investigate Margot’s disappearance, they come up against a fiendishly complex case with a psychopathic serial killer and witnesses who cannot all be trusted. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 5
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 5 (4 épisodes)
Episode 1
épisodes 1
Strike is approached by a woman asking for help to find her mother, Margot Bamborough, who went missing in 1974 when a psychopathic serial killer stalked the streets.
Episode 2
épisodes 2
The investigation takes a dangerous turn as a disturbing piece of evidence leads Robin and Strike into London’s underworld. Robin risks her life by pursuing a vicious suspect.
Episode 3
épisodes 3
Spurred on by the father of a young woman who also went missing in the 1970s, the detectives attempt to outwit an incarcerated serial killer who may hold the key to the case.
Episode 4
épisodes 4
Strike realises that Margot’s killer is responsible for many other murders that have gone undetected, and lays a trap.

Lethal White (2020)

4 épisodes  | Diffusion : 30/08/2020 A troubled young man named Billy comes to private eye Cormoran Strike’s office to ask for his help investigating a crime he thinks he witnessed as a child. Strike and Robin set off on a twisting trail that leads them through the backstreets of London, into a secretive inner sanctum within Parliament and to a beautiful but sinister manor house deep in the countryside. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 4
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 4 (4 épisodes)
épisodes 1
Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott are at odds following Robin’s wedding to Matthew, but there’s no time to mull over the new distance within their professional relationship, as a frightening visit from a potential client puts a new case on the table - and Robin and Strike set to work looking into reports of a strangled child.
épisodes 2
A startling discovery seems to confirm the story of the strangled child, but the team are forced to leave the scene before they can properly investigate. Fearing their witness is in danger, they redouble their efforts to find him.
épisodes 3
Robin discovers a startling truth close to home. The government minister’s blackmailer becomes the prime suspect in the case, but Robin and Strike believe there was an accomplice.
épisodes 4
Robin admits the truth to Strike, and a valuable clue helps them solve the case.


Tom Burke

Cormoran Strike
Holliday Grainger

Robin Ellacott
Kerr Logan

Matthew Cunliffe
Ian Attard

Nick Herbert
Killian Scott

Eric Wardle
Ann Akin

DS Ekwensi
Ben Crompton

Jessica Gunning

Holly Brockbank
Matt King

Jeff Whittaker
Andrew Brooke

Niall Brockbank


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