
Titre anglais : Show Me a Hero
Réalisé par : David Simon
Date de sortie : 16 août 2015
Durée : 60 minutes
Genre : Thriller
Pays : US (2015)


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Nick Wasicsko est le plus jeune maire d’une importante ville américaine, et il se voit contraint par la justice de faire construire des logements sociaux dans un quartier majoritairement occupé par des blancs. Alors que Nick tente d'appliquer ces mesures, la ville est divisée sur ce point, paralysant aussi bien les institutions que les administrations. Accessoirement, cela détruit aussi sa carrière.

 1 Saisons

Saison 1 (2015)

6 épisodes  | Diffusion : 16/08/2015 Nick Wasicsko est le plus jeune maire d’une importante ville américaine, et il se voit contraint par la justice de faire construire des logements sociaux dans un quartier majoritairement occupé par des blancs. Alors que Nick tente d'appliquer ces mesures, la ville est divisée sur ce point, paralysant aussi bien les institutions que les administrations. Accessoirement, cela détruit aussi sa carrière. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1 (6 épisodes)
Part 1
épisodes 1 : Part 1
Nick Wasicsko becomes the youngest big-city mayor in America, but at what cost? Even before he is inaugurated, the obligation to build public housing in the white neighborhoods of Yonkers looms over his new administration.
Part 2
épisodes 2 : Part 2
All hell breaks loose as the Yonkers mayor and City Council are given an ultimatum by a federal judge weary of further delay. Meanwhile, public housing residents trapped in the deteriorating projects of West Yonkers watch and wait as the white residents of East Yonkers make clear just how opposed they are.
Part 3
épisodes 3 : Part 3
Mayor Wasicsko finally achieves some consensus and rams through a housing plan with a tough vote, and housing officials finally begin to plan to build the new townhomes. But even as they do, the political costs to Wasicsko become apparent.
Part 4
épisodes 4 : Part 4
A new mayor pledges to oppose the housing, even though it is never quite clear what he might be able to do in that regard. Meanwhile, Nick Wasicsko tries to reconcile himself to life out of power as construction of the townhomes begins.
Part 5
épisodes 5 : Part 5
Armed with a growing recognition that he had fought on the side of angels in the battle over the housing, Wasicsko plans his political comeback, while the residents for the new townhouses are screened and chosen.
Part 6
épisodes 6 : Part 6
A comprehensive orientation process awaits the incoming residents, and many have second thoughts about moving into neighborhoods that don't welcome them. At the same time, Mary Dorman, long a vocal opponent of the housing, is recruited to serve the incoming residents in a way that even she finds startling. Meanwhile, Nick Wasicko begins the long road back to political viability even as the residents take possession of their new townhomes. But in the end, a second act for the wounded young politician proves elusive.


Oscar Isaac

Nick Wasicsko
Bob Balaban

Leonard B. Sand
James Belushi

Angelo Martinelli
Jon Bernthal

Michael H. Sussman
Jon Bernthal

Michael H. Sussman
Dominique Fishback

Billie Rowan
Ilfenesh Hadera

Carmen Febles
Catherine Keener

Mary Dorman
Terry Kinney

Peter Smith
Alfred Molina

Henry J. Spallone
Natalie Paul

Doreen Henderson
Natalie Paul

Doreen Henderson
Clarke Peters

Robert Mayhawk
Carla Quevedo

Nay Noe Wasicsko
Peter Riegert

Oscar Newman
Winona Ryder

Vinni Restiano
Jeff Lima

John Santos, Jr.
Michael Stahl-David

Jim Surdoval
McKinley Belcher III

Dwayne Meeks
Saverio Guerra

Neil DeLuca


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