
Titre anglais : Fair Trade
Réalisé par : Mark Punt
Date de sortie : 31 décembre 2020
Durée : 50 minutes
Genre : Thriller
Pays : BE (2020)


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Walter Wilson (Kevin Janssens) and Robin De Rover (Ella-June Henrard) once started their careers in the police force with great dedication and noble ideals, but too often saw months of intensive and dangerous detective work lost due to what they considered irrelevant procedural errors, dexterity of expensive lawyers and dubious decisions of foreign judges. They are increasingly colouring outside the lines during their patrols: for example, they tip criminals off about future police actions and get heavily paid for them. Wilson is also addicted (women, booze, drugs...) and that makes him incalculable. When he is suspended from the police force after repeated conflicts, he looks for even more rapprochement with the criminal environment, but in the meantime is tipsy game.

 2 Saisons

Season 2

11 épisodes Walter Wilson (Kevin Janssens) and Robin De Rover (Ella-June Henrard) once started their careers in the police force with great dedication and noble ideals, but too often saw months of intensive and dangerous detective work lost due to what they considered irrelevant procedural errors, dexterity of expensive lawyers and dubious decisions of foreign judges. They are increasingly colouring outside the lines during their patrols: for example, they tip criminals off about future police actions and get heavily paid for them. Wilson is also addicted (women, booze, drugs...) and that makes him incalculable. When he is suspended from the police force after repeated conflicts, he looks for even more rapprochement with the criminal environment, but in the meantime is tipsy game. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2 (11 épisodes)
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épisodes 2
épisodes 2
épisodes 3
épisodes 3
épisodes 4
épisodes 4
épisodes 5
épisodes 5
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épisodes 6

Season 1 (2020)

8 épisodes  | Diffusion : 31/12/2020 Walter Wilson (Kevin Janssens) and Robin De Rover (Ella-June Henrard) once started their careers in the police force with great dedication and noble ideals, but too often saw months of intensive and dangerous detective work lost due to what they considered irrelevant procedural errors, dexterity of expensive lawyers and dubious decisions of foreign judges. They are increasingly colouring outside the lines during their patrols: for example, they tip criminals off about future police actions and get heavily paid for them. Wilson is also addicted (women, booze, drugs...) and that makes him incalculable. When he is suspended from the police force after repeated conflicts, he looks for even more rapprochement with the criminal environment, but in the meantime is tipsy game. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1 (8 épisodes)
épisodes 1
épisodes 2
épisodes 3
épisodes 4
épisodes 5
épisodes 6
épisodes 7
épisodes 8


Peter van den Begin

Patrick Paternoster
Kevin Janssens

Walter Wilson
Axel Daeseleire

Frank Slaets
Peter van de Velde

Raf Broeckx
Kseniia Mishyna

Ivanka Reva
Sven de Ridder

Dirk Somers
Ella-June Henrard

Robin De Rover


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