
Titre anglais : Equinox
Réalisé par : Tea Lindeburg
Date de sortie : 30 décembre 2020
Durée : 47 minutes
Genre : Science-Fiction
Pays : DK (2020)


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Haunted by visions after her sister vanished with her classmates 21 years before, Astrid begins an investigation that uncovers the dark, eerie truth.

 1 Saisons

Season 1 (2020)

6 épisodes  | Diffusion : 30/12/2020 Haunted by visions after her sister vanished with her classmates 21 years before, Astrid begins an investigation that uncovers the dark, eerie truth. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1 (6 épisodes)
It's Going to Happen Again
épisodes 1 : It's Going to Happen Again
A chilling phone call during Astrid's radio show stirs up memories about her sister's disappearance and spurs her to investigate what really happened.
The Girl Is Gone
épisodes 2 : The Girl Is Gone
Astrid returns to her childhood home to look for clues. Ida's relationship with Jakob unfolds and his fascination with a mysterious book takes root.
What Is It You See When You're Asleep?
épisodes 3 : What Is It You See When You're Asleep?
Jakob leads Ida, Amelia and Falke to the island for the equinox. After learning more about the strange symbol, Astrid questions a former teacher.
Everything in Its Place
épisodes 4 : Everything in Its Place
The pieces begin to fall into place for Astrid with help from Ida's old friend, but the visions that plagued her as a child shake her hold on reality.
I Hear Voices
épisodes 5 : I Hear Voices
A return address yields more clues, but Astrid's relentless search for answers causes concern. Ida feels lost and alone after the events on the island.
The Blood Runs in the Veins
épisodes 6 : The Blood Runs in the Veins
Astrid confronts her mother as she closes in on the truth. Anger, accusations and revelations mar Ida's long-awaited graduation day.


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