
Directed by : Hirokazu Koreeda
Release date: 7 December 2022
Genre: Drama
Country : Korea (2022)


One rainy night, a baby is left at the baby box facility. Sang-hyun and Dong-soo secretly take it home. However, the next day, So-young unexpectedly returns, looking for her baby Woo-sung. She decides to call the police when she finds out that her boy is missing. The two men's explanation that they took him to find suitable parents willing to adopt him is hard to believe, but with nowhere left to go, she decides to join their mission to find new parents for her boy. 
Meanwhile, the police detective Su-jin and her subordinate Detective LEE have been investigating the case for the past 6 months, waiting for the decisive moment when they can catch the duo in act. 
This group of people, brought together by a baby box, set off on a journey that will lead to destinations they never expected.


Broker .





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