November 2016 Le Ciel Attendra Directed by: Marie-Castille & Mention-SchaarWith: Yvan Attal, Sandrine Bonnaire, Clotilde Courau,...
March 2011 Ma Part du GateauMelodrama Directed by: Cédric KlapischWith: Karin Viard, Gilles Lellouche, Audrey Lamy,...
November 2010 Le Nom Des GensComedy Directed by: Michel LeclercWith: Jacques Gamblin, Sara Forestier, Zinedine SoualemA young, extroverted left-wing activist who sleeps with her political opponents to convert them to her cause is successful until she meets her match.
August 2009 TricheuseComedy, Romantic Directed by: Jean-François DavyWith: Hélène de Fougerolles, Zinedine Soualem,...
July 2007 Roman de GareCrime Directed by: Claude LelouchWith: Dominique Pinon, Fanny Ardant, Zinedine Soualem,...
July 2006 La Maison du BonheurComedy Directed by: Dany BoonWith: Dany Boon, Daniel Prévost, Michèle Laroque,...
April 2004 L'incruste, fallait pas le laisser entrerComedy Directed by: Corentin Julius & Alexandre CastagnettiWith: Frédéric Diefenthal, Titoff, Zoé Félix,...