
Titre original : The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Réalisé par : Andy Borowitz & Susan Borowitz
Date de sortie : 9 octobre 1990
Durée : 23 minutes
Genre : Comédie
Pays : US (1990)


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Ado des quartiers pauvres de Philadelphie, Will Smith part vivre chez son oncle et sa tante Banks dans le riche quartier de Bel-Air...

 6 Saisons

Saison 6 (1995)

24 épisodes  | Diffusion : 18/09/1995 Ado des quartiers pauvres de Philadelphie, Will Smith part vivre chez son oncle et sa tante Banks dans le riche quartier de Bel-Air... Afficher les épisodes de la saison 6
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 6 (24 épisodes)
Halte au feu
épisodes 1 : Halte au feu
While Carlton is away at a Young Republican camp, Will cooks up a flambé of a disaster on a night when an influential judge is coming to dinner, and Will can only make it through the night with the help of Geoffrey, and other plan is not to make Phil find out.
La chasse aux petits boulots
épisodes 2 : La chasse aux petits boulots
In competition with Carlton, Will sets out to prove he's the best man for the job on Hilary's TV show by escorting a famous comedian's sister out on the town.
Apparences trompeuses
épisodes 3 : Apparences trompeuses
After learning a little something about initiative, Will jumps to Hilarys' aid prior to a key business meeting at the station; an unemployed Carlton subs for Philip on career day at Ashley's school.
Carlton a le blues
épisodes 4 : Carlton a le blues
The thrill is gone for ""runaway yuppie"" Carlton, who can't handle another disappointment, let alone his long-awaited Princeton interview.
Salle d'audience et audience sale
épisodes 5 : Salle d'audience et audience sale
Will decides to book a juror dismissed from Philip's big show-biz madam sex-scandal case for Hilary's show, which results in embarrassment for Judge Banks and some annoying apologies from Will and Hilary.
Sauve qui peut
épisodes 6 : Sauve qui peut
When Carlton fines the perfect woman for him, he messes up big time and shes out of the picture for sure. So Will suggests Carlton goes with him on a double date, Carlton has doubts but he owed Will big time (He messed up Will's date earlier that day) so Carlton went with him. Will and Carlton's double date goes great -- until the ""Big"" boyfriend of one of the women shows up.
La chose
épisodes 7 : La chose
Will and Carlton get a shocking earful when they ""roam the intercom"" system at home and hear Ashley's private conversation -- about sex.
Bananes flambées
épisodes 8 : Bananes flambées
Carlton is on a roll in Vegas, celebrating his birthday at the gaming tables with Will in tow; but suddenly the tables turn, and the duo enter a dance contest to recoup their losses.
Veille de fête (1)
épisodes 9 : Veille de fête (1)
Hilary and Carlton volunteer at a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving, while the extended family fills up on holiday treats.
Veille de fête (2)
épisodes 10 : Veille de fête (2)
Will and Philip are arrested at a massage parlor on Thanksgiving; Hilary and Carlton get a lesson in humility at the homeless shelter.
Hilary veut un bébé
épisodes 11 : Hilary veut un bébé
Will plays matchmaker for Hilary, setting her up with his doctor friend, but romance is the last thing on her mind as the anticipates the first national broadcast of ""The Hilary Show"".
Tout le monde au gymnase !
épisodes 12 : Tout le monde au gymnase !
Will's New Year's resolution leads him to the gym to get in shape; but when gym-savvy family members take Nicky for some boxing lessons, Will gets cold-cocked by a woman boxer named Helena.
Quel clown alors !
épisodes 13 : Quel clown alors !
It's no laughing matter when a bomb-toting clown holds Philip hostage in the courtroom on the day of the showbiz madam's sentencing.
Irrésistible tentation (1)
épisodes 14 : Irrésistible tentation (1)
Philip's recent political involvement doesn't seem to involve Vivian; meanwhile, the owner of a top-modeling agency ""discovers"" Ashley at a fast-food joint.
Irrésistible tentation (2)
épisodes 15 : Irrésistible tentation (2)
Breaking up may not be so hard to do for an angry Vivian, but when Philip finds he's lost without her, Will and Carlton conspire to reunite them.
Carlton maître du bowling
épisodes 16 : Carlton maître du bowling
After being accepted at Princeton, a worried Carlton changes his life plans and retreats to a place where everybody knows his name -- the bowling alley.
Le fils de Geoffrey
épisodes 17 : Le fils de Geoffrey
Geoffrey's life changes overnight when a man claiming to be his long-lost son shows up and charms everyone -- except Will, who discovers the guy's not what he seems. Meanwhile, Hilary starts writing her autobiography, and an early childhood photo reveals a shocking secret.
Veille de Pâques
épisodes 18 : Veille de Pâques
The church's widowed reverend is a man of esteemed reputation, but not in the eyes of Will -- who spies him making a play for Aunt Vivian.
Le bêtisier de Will
épisodes 19 : Le bêtisier de Will
Dick Clark has a cameo on this backstage outing that has Will Smith visiting with series stars and screening series bloopers.
Le roi de la jungle
épisodes 20 : Le roi de la jungle
Philip expects Ashley to decline an offer for what he considers a degrading role in an ad by a director who could also give her a recommendation to a top New York school.
Qui perd gagne
épisodes 21 : Qui perd gagne
On Live with Regis and Kathie Lee, Hilary subs for Gifford but doesn't see eye-to-eye with co-host Philbin. Meanwhile, Will subs for Carlton in a golf tourney and gets buddy-buddy with Philip, making Carlton jealous.
La dent du bonheur
épisodes 22 : La dent du bonheur
William Shatner stars as Hilary's talk-show guest, but Will must find a way to beam him from the dentist's chair to the set. Meanwhile, Hilary's show treks to New York and Ashley insists on tagging along.
Vol au-dessus d'un nid de cigales (1)
épisodes 23 : Vol au-dessus d'un nid de cigales (1)
The series ends its six-year run when the Banks decide to put the mansion up for sale. Family members are on the go, and everyone's ""in the fast lane."" Except for Will, who's stuck on life's ""soft shoulder"" who tells a little lie, that he found a nice apartment. Will lied because he felt that everyone was going on with their lives and he was just staying put in Bel-Air.
Les dernières folies (2)
épisodes 24 : Les dernières folies (2)
The series ends its six-year run when the Banks decide to put the mansion up for sale. Family members are on the go, and everyone's ""in the fast lane."" Except for Will, who's stuck on life's ""soft shoulder"" who tells a little lie, that he found a nice apartment. Will lied because he felt that everyone was going on with their lives and he was just staying put.

Saison 5 (1994)

25 épisodes  | Diffusion : 19/09/1994 Ado des quartiers pauvres de Philadelphie, Will Smith part vivre chez son oncle et sa tante Banks dans le riche quartier de Bel-Air... Afficher les épisodes de la saison 5
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 5 (25 épisodes)
Le client (1)
épisodes 1 : Le client (1)
Will helps Ashley make a big impression on a recording executive, but Philip is adamantly against her pursuing a singing career. (Part 1 of 2).
Le licenciement de Will (2)
épisodes 2 : Le licenciement de Will (2)
Will revels in Ashley's music industry success, but both Will and Ashley are about to have a rude surprise. (Part 2 of 2).
Il faut croire au Père Noël
épisodes 3 : Il faut croire au Père Noël
Will loses points as a role model for Nicky while visiting an ever-positive kiddie hero who brings joy to youngsters -- but not to Will.
C'est la guerre
épisodes 4 : C'est la guerre
Will blasts Carlton for stealing his woman while on a double date, and their ensuing fight lasts for days -- until Will gets knocked unconscious; Philip and Hilary teach Ashley to drive.
épisodes 5 : Cinéma
Will tells a tall tale about seeing a mob killing, then being placed in a witness-protection program in the backwoods of Alabama.
Une fille très attachante
épisodes 6 : Une fille très attachante
Will may soon regret using one of his phony lines to snag a sorority recruit; Geoffrey considers legal action for an on-the-job injury.
Vie privée
épisodes 7 : Vie privée
Ashley secretly abandons her private-school education for the ""real world"" of public education, thanks to inspiration from Will; Hilary tries to broaden her talk show's demographics.
Les années nostalgiques
épisodes 8 : Les années nostalgiques
An invitation to a Soul Train reunion has Vivian feeling romantic -- recalling Philip's marriage proposal on the show 25 years earlier -- but has Philip feeling like a dinosaur. Meanwhile, Carlton vies with Will in a dance contest.
Peine de cœur
épisodes 9 : Peine de cœur
Lisa humiliates Will by knocking out a guy with her self-defense moves.
épisodes 10 : Diffamation
Will tries his hand at journalism to prove something to Lisa, but his efforts get him sued for libel -- by Jay Leno.
Will fait de l'exercice
épisodes 11 : Will fait de l'exercice
While on a date with another woman, Will feels the power of love -- for Lisa; and, in a weighted suit, he feels what fitness guru Susan Powter hopes will be empathy for Uncle Philip.
Un père encombrant
épisodes 12 : Un père encombrant
Will goes overboard to make a good first impression on Lisa's father -- and soon regrets it. Meanwhile, Carlton, Ashley and Hilary try to find out who is daddy's favorite by searching for his will.
Duo d'amour
épisodes 13 : Duo d'amour
Will gets roped into a weekend ski trip with Carlton that quickly turns to disaster when their party arrives; meanwhile, back home, Hilary prepares to leave the nest.
Une soirée de menteurs
épisodes 14 : Une soirée de menteurs
Will and Lisa each lie about their evening plans, then wind up at the same party -- where Ashley is found in the coat room with a football player.
Il pleut des balles
épisodes 15 : Il pleut des balles
A planned camping trip is cut short for Carlton and Will when a robber approaches them at an automated bank-teller machine -- and fires a gun.
La bague au doigt
épisodes 16 : La bague au doigt
After getting shot, Will proposes marriage to Lisa in a moment of vulnerability; but she shoots him down with ""no"" for an answer. Meanwhile, accident-prone Hilary prolongs Will's recovery.
Les apprentis mariés
épisodes 17 : Les apprentis mariés
Thanks to relationship counseling, Will and Lisa hop to move on up to a new understanding in preparation for marriage. Meanwhile Hillary wants Geoffrey to work at her new home.
Jour de noces
épisodes 18 : Jour de noces
Will and Lisa have their hearts set on a small wedding, but plans get out of hand when Lisa's dad can't agree on the arrangements -- so the couple elope to Las Vegas.
Will agent immobilier
épisodes 19 : Will agent immobilier
Will vows Philip with his sound investment advice to buy Jazz's apartment building -- but the tenants scream slumlord after Philip acts on Will's moneymaking tip.
Will fait de la télé
épisodes 20 : Will fait de la télé
Will inadvertently finds himself in the right place at the right time and lands a part in a daytime soap opera.
Will est sous hypnose
épisodes 21 : Will est sous hypnose
Put into a trance by a stage hypnotist, Will behaves like a 4-year-old just as the family gears up for an interview with the admissions head of a private school.
Halte à la corruption
épisodes 22 : Halte à la corruption
A dream job for Will with a businessman friend of Philip's turns into a nightmare when the man offers him a bonus to help bribe a councilman.
La guerre de sécession
épisodes 23 : La guerre de sécession
It's double trouble for Will when a temptress schemes to make him forget his fiancée -- and also befriends Lisa.
Flash-back en ascenseur
épisodes 24 : Flash-back en ascenseur
While en route to his bachelor party, Will gets trapped in an elevator with the feuding Carlton and Jazz -- and his life with the women in his past flashes before him (in series clips).
Mariage surprise
épisodes 25 : Mariage surprise
Just before the wedding, as tempers heat up between Vy and Fred, Will gets cold feet about marrying Lisa -- whom he feels he may not really know.

Saison 4 (1993)

27 épisodes  | Diffusion : 20/09/1993 Ado des quartiers pauvres de Philadelphie, Will Smith part vivre chez son oncle et sa tante Banks dans le riche quartier de Bel-Air... Afficher les épisodes de la saison 4
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 4 (27 épisodes)
Quand le jazz est là (1)
épisodes 1 : Quand le jazz est là (1)
Will and Carlton begin their first year of college by moving into their own apartment, while Philip and Vivian enjoy their newborn son. Hilary learns that Trevor plans to propose marriage to her during an elaborate stunt on his TV news show. (Part 1 of 2)
Ça tombe mal (2)
épisodes 2 : Ça tombe mal (2)
Will and Carlton begin their first year of college by moving into their own apartment, while Philip and Vivian enjoy their newborn son. Hilary learns that Trevor plans to propose marriage to her during an elaborate stunt on his TV news show. (Part 2 of 2)
épisodes 3 : Willosophie
Registration day finds Will signing up for no-brainer classes, plus one that might truly challenge him -- a philosophy course he takes to meet a girl.
Le père de l'année
épisodes 4 : Le père de l'année
Stuck with caring for Nicky for the day, Will soon discovers the benefits of baby-sitting: he's suddenly a big man on campus with the women so long as he poses as a single dad.
La toute première fois
épisodes 5 : La toute première fois
After Will's friends guys rib Carlton about being a virgin, Miss Right (Belcon) appears and sweeps Carlton off his feet. Elsewhere, Geoffrey confesses a secret of his own.
Mauvais procès
épisodes 6 : Mauvais procès
When Phillip sues Will and Carlton for unpaid rent, two different versions of the dispute are aired -- neither entirely truthful.
Le mauvais sort s'abat sur la famille
épisodes 7 : Le mauvais sort s'abat sur la famille
Hilary summons an outrageous TV psychic and spirit channeler who arranges a séance to communicate with the dead and enable Hilary to get over Trevor once and for all -- and hexes a disbelieving Will.
Que le bizutage commence
épisodes 8 : Que le bizutage commence
Will and Carlton try to get accepted into an African-American fraternity; Will proves to be just what they want in a pledge, but one of the brothers sees Carlton as a ""prep-school, Bel Air-bred sellout.""
Cas de conscience
épisodes 9 : Cas de conscience
Will breaks a date with Jackie to accompany Hilary to a Playboy Mansion reception for weather reporters being photographed for the magazine.
Homme au bord de la crise de nerf
épisodes 10 : Homme au bord de la crise de nerf
Will sneaks greasy, high-fat foods to Philip after he promises to diet and exercise, then blames himself when Philip has a heart attack.
Ma cousine est à vous
épisodes 11 : Ma cousine est à vous
On academic probation, Will schemes to improve his grades by fixing up a newly divorced English professor with Hilary, who soon finds fault with the man, further jeopardizing Will's academic future.
Un concours particulier
épisodes 12 : Un concours particulier
Will uses booze to prove his manliness while competing with a hulking football hero who wants to score points with Jackie, and his fraternity brothers leave drunken Will in a cemetery, where he is haunted. Meanwhile, Ashley learns that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Un baptême pas comme les autres
épisodes 13 : Un baptême pas comme les autres
Vivian promises god-motherhood of her child to both of her sisters, while Will hatches a harebrained scheme to get Boyz II Men to perform at baby Nicky's christening.
Tapage nocturne
épisodes 14 : Tapage nocturne
Will pays for putting off studying for a midterm until the last minute, and Ashley pays for staying out late on her first date.
Merci patron
épisodes 15 : Merci patron
Business drops off at the Peacock Stop when Carlton takes over as manager; elsewhere, an ""I Hate Hilary"" newsletter precipitates stormy weather.
Drôle d'oiseau
épisodes 16 : Drôle d'oiseau
Will and Jazz steal a statue from a rival school, whose team retaliates by kidnapping ULA's lucky charm -- Carlton, the strutting peacock mascot.
Aflevering 16
épisodes 16 : Aflevering 16
Ça vous fait quoi de sortir avec une star ?
épisodes 17 : Ça vous fait quoi de sortir avec une star ?
Will becomes a jet-setter while dating a pop star.
Quand l'amour s'en mêle
épisodes 18 : Quand l'amour s'en mêle
A Valentine's double date finds Will treating Ashley like a kid and Ashley demanding r-e-s-p-e-c-t.
Grand vent dans les ventes
épisodes 19 : Grand vent dans les ventes
A car dealer hires Will, then persuades him to drop out of college.
La femme de mon ami
épisodes 20 : La femme de mon ami
Philip foots the bill when Jazz decides to marry a jailbird -- who moves in on Will.
Tombés du ciel
épisodes 21 : Tombés du ciel
Will finds himself stranded in a mountain forest with his new girlfriend's disagreeable father after they parachute out of his disabled plane.
L'allumeur allumé
épisodes 22 : L'allumeur allumé
It's double trouble for Will when Philip's old flame visits with her daughter, who's attracted to Will.
La fête des mères
épisodes 23 : La fête des mères
Newlyweds Jazz and Jewel try to start a family, but it turns out they're going to need a little help -- from Will; Phil urges the kids to give Vivian thoughtful Mother's Day gifts.
Papa a encore une excuse
épisodes 24 : Papa a encore une excuse
Ben Vereen plays Will's long-lost father, who breezes into town and promises Will the moon, which angers an unforgiving Philip.
Maison à vendre
épisodes 25 : Maison à vendre
A stranger makes a generous offer for the Banks estate, which prompts the family to reminisce about their good times there.
Retour aux sources
épisodes 26 : Retour aux sources
Will returns to the City of Brotherly Love and discovers he's the butt of old friends' jokes, prompting him to go into training to settle an old score and clear his reputation as a chicken.

Saison 3 (1992)

24 épisodes  | Diffusion : 14/09/1992 Ado des quartiers pauvres de Philadelphie, Will Smith part vivre chez son oncle et sa tante Banks dans le riche quartier de Bel-Air... Afficher les épisodes de la saison 3
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 3 (24 épisodes)
Un retour dont on ne revient pas
épisodes 1 : Un retour dont on ne revient pas
Will returns home from spending the summer in Philadelphia with a new look that doesn't sit well with Uncle Phil.
Après l'émeute
épisodes 2 : Après l'émeute
When the Banks family returns to its former neighborhood to help old friends after a destructive city-wide riot, Vivian reveals a surprise to Philip.
Cousins, cousines
épisodes 3 : Cousins, cousines
Enrolled at the newly coed Bel-Air Prep, Ashley begins dressing to entice guys, using Will's preferences in women as her examples; Will and Carlton's prep school goes coed.
Will a des antennes
épisodes 4 : Will a des antennes
Hilary gets a job reporting weather on television.
Carlton en tient une couche
épisodes 5 : Carlton en tient une couche
Philip intends to railroad off the bench ineffectual Judge Robertson; and Will becomes the ""love slave"" of a flamboyantly generous plain student.
Un juge, deux touches
épisodes 6 : Un juge, deux touches
While Philip entertains rude, senile Judge Robertson, Will accepts expensive gifts from Lindsey Simon, a rich classmate who wants to buy his affection.
Laissez les juges
épisodes 7 : Laissez les juges
Will gets arrested for numerous parking tickets as Phil runs for judge against incumbent Judge Robertson.
Aux abois dans les bois
épisodes 8 : Aux abois dans les bois
Philip takes Will and Carlton on a camping trip that turns out to be a disaster when snow traps the unhappy campers.
Ambiance électorale
épisodes 9 : Ambiance électorale
The Bankses appear on Oprah's show and fail to invite Will on-stage, which may cause Philip to lose the election.
Élections tragiques
épisodes 10 : Élections tragiques
Election results are in and Philip fights to remain cool amid lies by Judge Robertson, which prompt Will to confront the outspoken incumbent. Will Will go to far? Will he say what everyone is feeling? Will Judge Robertson be able to take it?
Travaux pratiques
épisodes 11 : Travaux pratiques
At Vivian's Lamaze class, Will cozies up to a pregnant sportswriter, who takes him to a game -- and delivers more than just fun.
Guerre froide
épisodes 12 : Guerre froide
When Vivian quarantines Will and Carlton in the backyard pool house after both are stricken with contagious colds, they spend the night arguing over a girl that Will stole from Carlton.
Très chère maman
épisodes 13 : Très chère maman
Will tries to tell his mother that he doesn't want to return to Philadelphia with her after his high school graduation.
Les paris sont truqués
épisodes 14 : Les paris sont truqués
Geoffrey humiliates himself by insulting the Banks family and quitting his job when Will and Carlton trick him into thinking he has won millions of dollars in the lottery.
épisodes 15 : Reconversion
Philip is quick to judge an ex-con Will urged him to hire as a handyman and temporary assistant after the house is robbed.
Lorsque l'enfant paraît
épisodes 16 : Lorsque l'enfant paraît
As Vivian's delivery date approaches, the family fantasizes about what the baby will mean to each of them: Ashley feels all but invisible, Geoffrey feels overwhelmed by the family's demands, and Vivian feels like she's having triplets.
Un plan d'enfer
épisodes 17 : Un plan d'enfer
When Monique refuses to have sex until she's married, Will stages a mock wedding ceremony with D.J. Jazzy Jeff as the preacher.
Le Prince de Princetown
épisodes 18 : Le Prince de Princetown
Depressed and suicidal over having ruined his chances of attending Princeton University, Carlton is visited by his Guardian Angel (TOM JONES), who shows him how awful the Banks family would be if he weren't alive.
Tout est bien qui finit mal
épisodes 19 : Tout est bien qui finit mal
Will learns a sobering lesson after Carlton pops the wrong pills from Will's locker, mistaking amphetamines for vitamins, and winds up in hospital.
La délivrance
épisodes 20 : La délivrance
Vivian's baby is a week late, but family members and her visiting sisters are nowhere to be found when it's time to rush to the hospital.
La retraite du flambeur
épisodes 21 : La retraite du flambeur
Heavyweight boxing champ Riddick Brown wreaks havoc with Carlton's mind and Will's face at a funky cafe-casino in Nevada, where the cousins have stopped on their way to check out a college for Will.
Will se lance dans le comique
épisodes 22 : Will se lance dans le comique
Will lands a spot in a comedy showcase after accompanying a comic friend to an audition.
Un vrai festival
épisodes 23 : Un vrai festival
Series clips illustrate family recollections as the kids put together a scrapbook for Vivian and Philip, who want to renew their vows on their anniversary.
Le diplôme de fin d'études
épisodes 24 : Le diplôme de fin d'études
Vy anticipates Will's graduation with enthusiasm, but there may be discord when she learns Will is failing music. To pass his music class, Will must sing at the graduation ceremony -- with a class of eight-year-olds.

Saison 2 (1991)

24 épisodes  | Diffusion : 09/09/1991 Ado des quartiers pauvres de Philadelphie, Will Smith part vivre chez son oncle et sa tante Banks dans le riche quartier de Bel-Air... Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2 (24 épisodes)
L'amour et tout le tremblement
épisodes 1 : L'amour et tout le tremblement
Will's all-consuming romance with a new girlfriend shakes up the Banks' household, as does Mother Nature, trapping them together during an earthquake.
Pas de quartier
épisodes 2 : Pas de quartier
Will and Carlton arrive as reinforcements when a bully challenges Ashley to a rumble, but there's real trouble when Philip and Vivian intervene.
Will trouve un emploi
épisodes 3 : Will trouve un emploi
Will tries to juggle school and a new job in order to earn money for the homecoming party; Ashley's classmate Tina becomes interested in Carlton. Will starts becoming paranoid when he constantly is getting confused with Carlton.
Vive les études
épisodes 4 : Vive les études
Will is a picture of confidence, while Carlton is a frazzled bundle of nerves preparing for college aptitude tests.
Les mamies ne sont pas des momies
épisodes 5 : Les mamies ne sont pas des momies
Mortified over spying his mother kiss the handyman, Philip can't bear to think of her having a new man in her life.
Le marié était un blanc
épisodes 6 : Le marié était un blanc
Tensions spill over just before the wedding of Will's Aunt Janice when Will's mom meets Janice's intended -- and forbids Will to attend the interracial wedding.
À vos ballets mesdames
épisodes 7 : À vos ballets mesdames
Vivian's 40th birthday marks a crisis and a career change in which she plans to perfect her dance skills.
Méfiez-vous des apparences
épisodes 8 : Méfiez-vous des apparences
Will hits it off with the full-figured Dee Dee, but her size keeps him from asking her to the dance.
Retour de manivelle
épisodes 9 : Retour de manivelle
A pompous lawyer who's dating Hilary is no fan of Will's after he's sideswiped by Will's roadster.
Son service en vaut un autre
épisodes 10 : Son service en vaut un autre
Will and Carlton think a party guest stole the silverware.
Les congrès, ça use !
épisodes 11 : Les congrès, ça use !
Bell Biv DeVoe shoots a video at the Bankses, courtesy of Carlton, who rents the house while his parents are away.
Donner c'est prendre
épisodes 12 : Donner c'est prendre
After winning at the country club's Monte Carlo night fund-raiser, Will learns that he's expected to donate the money to charity.
Un noël mouvementé
épisodes 13 : Un noël mouvementé
On a family ski trip, the Banks find that they must come up with Christmas gifts from the heart after their belongings are stolen.
Traiteur sur gages
épisodes 14 : Traiteur sur gages
Hilary must work for a caterer after her credit cards are cancelled.
Le haut du panier
épisodes 15 : Le haut du panier
On the basketball court, winning is everything to Will, as it is to an opponent from Malibu Prep, who can't afford to lose.
L'âme sœur
épisodes 16 : L'âme sœur
Geoffrey falls hard for a neighbor he believes is a housekeeper -- but who turns out to be very wealthy.
Traitement de choc
épisodes 17 : Traitement de choc
When Hillary is ordered to do community service at a free clinic, the doctor in charge becomes the antidote for her marriage-mindedness.
Will a horreur de l'hôpital
épisodes 18 : Will a horreur de l'hôpital
The family fears a steamy exposé when Geoffrey begins his memoirs, while Will fears the scalpel when he enters the hospital, kicking and screaming, for a tonsillectomy.
Drôle de jeu
épisodes 19 : Drôle de jeu
Needing a game show partner, Will must choose between bickering friends.
Souvenirs de contestation
épisodes 20 : Souvenirs de contestation
Philip and Vivian welcome a '60s radical, who arouses the FBI's interest and influences Will and Carlton to take action over the firing of a nonconformist teacher.
Ma mère a un amant
épisodes 21 : Ma mère a un amant
Will dislikes his mother's new boyfriend.
Les sabots d'Helen
épisodes 22 : Les sabots d'Helen
Aunt Helen arrives unexpectedly, and upsets Will and Carlton's plans for a rendezvous with two French women.
Parlez-moi d'amour
épisodes 23 : Parlez-moi d'amour
Ashley cringes when the family oohs and aahs over her relationship with Kevin , but Will chokes when she asks him about sex -- and her curiosity about reproduction sends Will to a pregnancy counseling center.
Coup de chaleur
épisodes 24 : Coup de chaleur
Will and Carlton lose their shirts investing on a tip -- then take jobs as strippers to recoup their losses and get Vivian's bracelet out of hock.

Saison 1 (1990)

25 épisodes  | Diffusion : 09/10/1990 Ado des quartiers pauvres de Philadelphie, Will Smith part vivre chez son oncle et sa tante Banks dans le riche quartier de Bel-Air... Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1 (25 épisodes)
Les grands projets
épisodes 1 : Les grands projets
Aunt Vivian tries to mediate between her husband Philip and the newly arrived Will.
Attachez vos ceintures
épisodes 2 : Attachez vos ceintures
Will persuades Ashley to pawn her violin for a drum set.
En avant la musique
épisodes 3 : En avant la musique
Will wants to go out with a beautiful girl he meets at the country club, but first he must figure out how to impress her extremely snobbish and very protective father—so he seeks tips from cousin Carlton on becoming preppie.
On ne touche pas
épisodes 4 : On ne touche pas
Will tries to smooth things between Philip and his very rural parents when they visit to see him receive an award.
Qu'on est bien chez vous
épisodes 5 : Qu'on est bien chez vous
Will gets a visit from an old pal named Ice Tray, who, to Vivian and Philip's dismay, warms up to Hilary.
Si ce n'est toi...
épisodes 6 : Si ce n'est toi...
Jailed, Will and Carlton stage a media stunt.
Bonjour la poésie
épisodes 7 : Bonjour la poésie
Will joins his prep school's poetry club.
Un jour ton prince viendra (1)
épisodes 8 : Un jour ton prince viendra (1)
When Will and Carlton compete for dates for a Hallowe'en party, Will boasts of knowing famous people (seen in fantasy flashbacks).
Un jour ton prince viendra (2)
épisodes 9 : Un jour ton prince viendra (2)
When Will and Carlton compete for dates for a Halloween party, Will boasts of knowing famous people (seen in fantasy flashbacks).
Dis-moi que tu m'aimes
épisodes 10 : Dis-moi que tu m'aimes
Will and Carlton surprise Geoffrey on his birthday with a gorgeous blind date–whom Will promptly falls for, only to be outshone by Geoffrey.
C'est le grand amour
épisodes 11 : C'est le grand amour
Carlton feels overshadowed by Will, who's become a basketball star at school.
Le Dindon de la farce
épisodes 12 : Le Dindon de la farce
A holiday visit from Will's taskmaster mother puts the kibosh on conspicuous consumption and puts the kids to work preparing Thanksgiving dinner.
C'est beau l'instruction
épisodes 13 : C'est beau l'instruction
Hilary becomes Will's personal maid when he threatens to disclose she's dropped out of UCLA.
Quand ça va mal
épisodes 14 : Quand ça va mal
Will tells Ashley's slumber-party guests a scary tale about his first day at Bel-Air Academy.
Tout le monde peut se tromper
épisodes 15 : Tout le monde peut se tromper
Will inimitably dresses the mansion for the holidays, to the dismay of the neighbors, including heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield.
Un coup de chance
épisodes 16 : Un coup de chance
Philip may lose a superstitious client whom he advises not to make decisions based on Will's spontaneous remarks.
Question de couleur
épisodes 17 : Question de couleur
Will proposes a black history class be instituted at Bel-Air Academy, and gets a surprise when Aunt Viv arrives to teach it.
Les Vieux de l'amour
épisodes 18 : Les Vieux de l'amour
Will sneaks Philip's elderly mother out of the house for a night on the town.
Il fallait que ça arrive
épisodes 19 : Il fallait que ça arrive
Will has girl problems after a date with Jazz's domineering sister, who's ready to pick out a china pattern before the night is over.
Une créature de rêve
épisodes 20 : Une créature de rêve
Fresh Prince Will is on his best behavior for visiting royalty -- the seemingly demure Lady Penelope, who Will hopes to persuade to let herself have a good time at a party.
Le coup de foudre
épisodes 21 : Le coup de foudre
Jasmine Guy plays a scholarship student whose introduction to Will opens up a different world of fun and games -- and romance -- to divert her from her studies.
Nul n'est parfait
épisodes 22 : Nul n'est parfait
Will crawls to Philip for help after sneaking out on the town and getting hustled by sleazy pool sharks.
72 heures
épisodes 23 : 72 heures
Will challenges Carlton to spend time in a tough neighborhood, trying to survive by masquerading as a financial consultant.
La faute à qui ?
épisodes 24 : La faute à qui ?
R&B singer Tevin Campbell plays teen idol Little T, who surprises Ashley on her birthday with a special song and an invitation for a date.
Quand faut y aller
épisodes 25 : Quand faut y aller
Rap's Queen Latifah plays Hilary's new actress boss, who wants Will as her boy toy -- or Hilary's glamorous job is over.


James Avery

Philip Banks
James Avery

Philip Banks
Alfonso Ribeiro

Carlton Banks
Will Smith

William 'Will' Smith
Joseph Marcell

Geoffrey Butler
Karyn Parsons

Hilary Banks
Tatyana Ali

Ashley Banks
Ross Bagley

Nicky Banks
Daphne Maxwell Reid

Vivian Banks
Janet Hubert

Vivian Banks


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