
Original title : Ennemi public
Release date: 5 January 2016
Duration: 60 minutes
Genre: Thriller
Country : BE (2016)


Public Enemy .


Freed after 20 years in prison, the child killer Guy Beranger found refuge with the monks in Vielsart, a small village in Belgian's Ardennes. He is placed under the protection of a young Federal Police's inspector, Chloé Muller. A little while after his release, a little girl disappears. Told in 10 episodes of 60 mins


Season 3 (2023)

6  |  : 03/12/2023 Freed after 20 years in prison, the child killer Guy Beranger found refuge with the monks in Vielsart, a small village in Belgian's Ardennes. He is placed under the protection of a young Federal Police's inspector, Chloé Muller. A little while after his release, a little girl disappears. Told in 10 episodes of 60 mins 3
3 (6 )
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

Season 2 (2019)

10  |  : 03/10/2019 Freed after 20 years in prison, the child killer Guy Beranger found refuge with the monks in Vielsart, a small village in Belgian's Ardennes. He is placed under the protection of a young Federal Police's inspector, Chloé Muller. A little while after his release, a little girl disappears. Told in 10 episodes of 60 mins 2
2 (10 )
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10

Season 1 (2016)

10  |  : 05/01/2016 Freed after 20 years in prison, the child killer Guy Beranger found refuge with the monks in Vielsart, a small village in Belgian's Ardennes. He is placed under the protection of a young Federal Police's inspector, Chloé Muller. A little while after his release, a little girl disappears. Told in 10 episodes of 60 mins 1
1 (10 )
La brebis égarée
1 : La brebis égarée
La marque de la bête
2 : La marque de la bête
Les fausses idoles
3 : Les fausses idoles
Le bon berger
4 : Le bon berger
Frères de sang
5 : Frères de sang
6 : L'alliance
Le puit des âmes
7 : Le puit des âmes
Agnus Dei
8 : Agnus Dei
Tu ne tueras point
9 : Tu ne tueras point
Le jugement dernier
10 : Le jugement dernier


Stéphanie Blanchoud

Chloé Muller
Angelo Bison

Guy Béranger
Philippe Jeusette

Patrick Stassart
Jean-Jacques Rausin

Michael Charlier
Clément Manuel

Lucas Stassart
Pauline Étienne

Jessica Muller





Criminal Minds - Thriller

Criminal Minds

Thriller | 17 | 415
Directed by: Jeff DavisWith: Matthew Gray Gubler, Joe Mantegna, Paget Brewster,...An elite team of FBI profilers analyze the country's most twisted criminal minds, anticipating their next moves before they strike again. The Behavioral Analysis Unit's most experienced agent is David Rossi, a founding member of the BAU who returns to help the team solve new cases.

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