
Original title : Simon Werner a disparu ...
Directed by : Fabrice Gobert
Release date: 26 January 2011
Duration: 87 minutes
Genre: Thriller, Drama
Country : France (2010)
Original language: French


March 1992 in a small town in the suburbs of Paris. 
During an alcohol fuelled party, teenagers discover a body that seems lifeless hidden in the bushes of a forest 
Two weeks earlier. 
Simon Werner, a senior in the Science curriculum of the Leon Blum high school has not shown up for class. Blood stains are found in a class-room. Run-away, kidnap, suicide, murder... every scenario is envisaged by his classmates. 
A few days later, a student from the same class goes missing without her parents knowing where she has gone. A young girl with no dark background or connection to Simon. 
The next day, a third student, still from the same class, also disappears.


Lights Out .





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