
Directed by : Steven Shainberg
Release date: 10 January 2007
Duration: 122 minutes
Genre: Drama
Country : United States (2006)
Original language: English


Diane was raised by her parents to be part of their privileged, respectable class, and therefore observe everything she does with a critical eye.Though trying her best to disguise it, Diane is very uncomfortable and restless in that role as assistant photographer of her husband Allan. One evening, Diane's eye is caught by the arrival of her new neighbour, a strange-looking masked man. Diane becomes keenly interested in her neighbor's comings and goings. Eventually, Diane makes her way up to Lionel's door wearing the camera that Allan bought her years ago, as yet unused. It is the beginning of an adventure that will take Diane into the underground worlds that have always called to her -- and into a compelling intimate relationship that will transform her life and her art forever.




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