Filmography : Pablo Berger

Filmography pablo berger

Robot Dreams - Drama, Animation (modern)
December 2023

Robot Dreams

Drama, Animation (modern) Directed by: Pablo BergerBased on the popular graphic novel by the North American writer Sara Varon, ROBOT DREAMS tells the adventures and misfortunes of Dog and Robot in NYC during the '80s.
Snow White - Drama
April 2013

Snow White

Drama Directed by: Pablo BergerWith: Maribel Verdu, Angela Molina, Daniel GimenezOnce upon a time there was a little girl who had never known her mother. She learned the art of her father, a famous bullfighter, but was hated by her evil stepmother. One day she ran away with a troupe of dwarfs, and became a legend. Set in southern Spain in 1920s, BLANCANIEVES is a tribute to... Read more...

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