Filmography : Giorgos Lanthimos

Filmography giorgos lanthimos

Alps - Drama
January 2013


Drama Directed by: Giorgos LanthimosWith: Aris Servetalis, Johnny Vekris, Ariane LabedA nurse, a paramedic, a gymnast and her coach have formed a service for hire. They stand in for dead people by appointment, hired by the relatives, friends or colleagues of the deceased. The company is called Alps. Their leader, the paramedic, calls himself Mont Blanc. Although Alps members operate... Read more...
Dogtooth - Drama
September 2010


Drama Directed by: Giorgos LanthimosWith: Christo Stergioglou, Michelle Valley,...A father, a mother and their three kids live in a house in the outskirts of a city. There is a tall fence surrounding the house. The kids have never left the house. They are being educated, entertained, bored and exercised in the manner that their parents deem appropriate, without any influence... Read more...

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