A Wilderness of Error

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A Wilderness of Error
Season 1


Original title : A Wilderness of Error
Release date: 25 September 2020
Duration: 45 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Country : US (2020)


A Wilderness of Error .


A five-part documentary series based on the best-selling book by Errol Morris. When Army surgeon Jeffrey MacDonald is sent to prison for killing his family, a storm of swirling narratives challenges our very ability to find the truth all the while overshadowing a chilling possibility: MacDonald may be an innocent man.


Season 1 (2020)

5  |  : 25/09/2020 A five-part documentary series based on the best-selling book by Errol Morris. When Army surgeon Jeffrey MacDonald is sent to prison for killing his family, a storm of swirling narratives challenges our very ability to find the truth all the while overshadowing a chilling possibility: MacDonald may be an innocent man. 1
1 (5 )
1 : Girl in a Floppy Hat
Famed filmmaker Errol Morris is obsessed with one of America's most popularized true crimes: the murder of a pregnant wife and two young daughters on an Army base in 1970. Green Beret doctor Jeffrey MacDonald said a band of drugged-crazed hippies attacked his family, led by a girl in a floppy hat. Army investigators said MacDonald committed the murders.
2 : A Time of Suspicion
After an Army hearing frees Green Beret Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, his father-in-law demands a reinvestigation. But when he sees all the evidence, he's shocked by where it leads.
3 : Should the Jury Find...
Nine years after the murders of his pregnant wife and two young daughters, the guilt of Green Beret Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald is put to a civilian jury. The defense calls a surprise witness: The Girl in a Floppy Hat.
4 : When a Narrative Becomes Reality
Joe McGinniss' book, "Fatal Vision" paints a not-so-flattering picture of Jeffrey MacDonald, but new evidence may prove that MacDonald is innocent.
5 : A Wilderness of Error
Jeffrey MacDonald served more than 30 years in prison when a federal judge finally agrees to hear the new evidence in his case. Errol Morris heads to North Carolina believing the truth will finally come out.






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