
Titre anglais : Dirty Lines
Réalisé par : Pieter Bart Korthuis
Date de sortie : 4 août 2022
Durée : 50 minutes
Genre : Drame
Pays : NL (2022)


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The story of Dirty Lines starts in 1987's Amsterdam, at a time when Dutch society was changing rapidly. Psychology student Marly Salomon takes on a side job working for a brand new firm: Teledutch - a company started by two brothers, Frank and Ramon Stigter, who established Europe’s first erotic telephone lines. Frank and Ramon become rich overnight and Marly finds herself immersed in this wild and rapid transformation. The final years of the Cold War sparked a sense of hope and inspired a new generation to celebrate life to its fullest. Amsterdam became the center of that cultural revolution with a radically new form of music: house and a new love drug: XTC. The erotic phone lines offer the opportunity to experience anonymous sex in a new way, changing the morality of its consumers, but also very much the people creating it.

 1 Saisons

Season 1 (2022)

7 épisodes  | Diffusion : 04/08/2022 The story of Dirty Lines starts in 1987's Amsterdam, at a time when Dutch society was changing rapidly. Psychology student Marly Salomon takes on a side job working for a brand new firm: Teledutch - a company started by two brothers, Frank and Ramon Stigter, who established Europe’s first erotic telephone lines. Frank and Ramon become rich overnight and Marly finds herself immersed in this wild and rapid transformation. The final years of the Cold War sparked a sense of hope and inspired a new generation to celebrate life to its fullest. Amsterdam became the center of that cultural revolution with a radically new form of music: house and a new love drug: XTC. The erotic phone lines offer the opportunity to experience anonymous sex in a new way, changing the morality of its consumers, but also very much the people creating it. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1 (7 épisodes)
Episode 1
épisodes 1
A devil-may-care man and his more conservative brother start a phone sex company in the Netherlands. A college student stumbles into a new career.
Episode 2
épisodes 2
Marly needs money for rent, Frank's trouble with the truth starts to catch up with him and a night out dancing gets way out of hand.
Episode 3
épisodes 3
Marly sets out to reclaim her voice, Anouk delivers some big news, Ramon bumps into a familiar face and Frank expands the empire.
Episode 4
épisodes 4
The business is thriving, but when will it be enough for Frank? A telephone line for insomniacs proves to be problematic, while the women's line is difficult to get going.
Episode 4
épisodes 4
Episode 5
épisodes 5
Marly's relationship problems get complicated, Johnny tries to drink an Englishman under the table, Ramon breaks free and Frank gets the fright of his life.
Episode 6
épisodes 6
The fall of the Berlin Wall heralds changes, Marly makes a move, Ramon discusses an important decision, and Frank has a hard time with the tax authorities.


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