
Titre anglais : Sort Of
Réalisé par : Fab Filippo & Bilal Baig
Date de sortie : 10 avril 2021
Durée : 22 minutes
Genre : Comédie
Pays : CA (2021)


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Fluid millennial Sabi Mehboob straddles various identities from bartender at an LGBTQ bookstore/bar, to the youngest child in a Pakistani family, to the de facto parent of a downtown hipster family. Sabi feels like they’re in transition in every aspect of their life, from gender to love to sexuality to family to career.

 3 Saisons

Season 3 (2023)

8 épisodes  | Diffusion : 17/11/2023 The third and final season shows Sabi Mehboob coming to terms with feelings of grief and an unexpected sense of freedom following the death of their father. Without the constraints of living up to their father’s expectations Sabi confronts big questions about their identity, prompting some massive life choices. In a season that has the entire ensemble grappling with aftermaths, a rebirth comes in a sort of messy, sort of hopeful, sort of ‘Sort Of’ way. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 3
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 3 (8 épisodes)
épisodes 1
épisodes 2
épisodes 3
épisodes 4 : Sort of Married
With the help of Sabi and friends, Aqsa and Izzy sort of take the next step. Paul and Bessy reconnect over a shared experience.
épisodes 5
épisodes 6
épisodes 7
épisodes 8

Season 2 (2022)

12 épisodes  | Diffusion : 14/11/2022 SORT OF returns for Season 2: the season of love. Loving your friends, family, work, romantic love and most importantly, self-love. Sabi decides not only are they ready for some uncomplicated romance but they also want everyone to love each other. Unfortunately, with their dad's unexpected return from Dubai, the Kaneko-Bauers' struggles as Bessy is released from rehab, and issues at Bar Bük, Sabi is faced with situations and relationships that are anything but simple. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 2 (12 épisodes)
épisodes 1 : TBA
épisodes 2
épisodes 2
épisodes 3
épisodes 3
épisodes 4
épisodes 5
épisodes 5
épisodes 6
épisodes 6
épisodes 7
épisodes 8

Season 1 (2021)

8 épisodes  | Diffusion : 10/04/2021 Fluid millennial Sabi Mehboob straddles various identities from bartender at an LGBTQ bookstore/bar, to the youngest child in a Pakistani family, to the de facto parent of a downtown hipster family. Sabi feels like they’re in transition in every aspect of their life, from gender to love to sexuality to family to career. Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1
Afficher les épisodes de la saison 1 (8 épisodes)
Sort Of Gone
épisodes 1 : Sort Of Gone
After a horrible date and being fired on the same day, Sabi contemplates an opportunity that would change their life, until an unexpected accident puts their new plans in jeopardy.e
Sort Of Back
épisodes 2 : Sort Of Back
Bessy is in a coma and Paul is not handling the stress very well. Sabi’s dreams of Berlin with 7ven have now disappeared from the dropdown menu.
Sort Of Mary Poppins
épisodes 3 : Sort Of Mary Poppins
After a run-in with a choking hazard, Raffo ends up admitted to the same hospital as Bessy. Worlds collide and Raffo finds out Sabi has been hiding the nanny part of their life for the past 3 years.
Sort Of Stable
épisodes 4 : Sort Of Stable
Sabi and the family try their best to fall into the new rhythm. Paul pretends to be Bessy, texting with a mysterious person named Penny. Lewis’s grand gestures fail to win Sabi back.
Sort Of A Party
épisodes 5 : Sort Of A Party
Sabi encourages Violet to work through her complex emotions as the family tries to find the best way to celebrate Violet’s birthday.
Sort Of Ellen
épisodes 6 : Sort Of Ellen
Tensions between Sabi and Paul rise when Paul disappears and Sabi has to bail on a fun night to look after the kids.
Sort Of Miracle
épisodes 7 : Sort Of Miracle
Worried for Raffo, Sabi and Aqsa head to their childhood home. An unexpected drop-in outs Sabi to their extended family and alliances are questioned.
Sort Of Back Again
épisodes 8 : Sort Of Back Again
Sabi struggles to tell Bessy how much she means to them.


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